Saturday, April 19, 2008

These Shopgirls Don't Hate You, But You Hate Them

Here's a photo of a roadside memorial of the 5 shopgirls that was torched alive by Lhasa rioters:

The yongest one was 19. Have a little compassion will ya?

I usually don't make a fuss over Xinhua, but this one tugged on me... it reminded me of the memorials all over NYC after 9/11.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Team Tibet bandana biker picks on 10 year old boy - San Francisco

I don't care what kind of hate this "dude" has for China, he is ready to bend over a little boy.

Real bravado, San Francisco style.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crippled Girl Carrying Olympic Torch Attacked By Able-body Protester - Paris

I don't care what kind of hate this Parisian has for China, he is attacking a crippled girl half his size.

Real brave picking on Paralympian Jin Jin who lost her leg from cancer at age of 9. How do you feel now?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Girl Carrying Olympic Torch Attacked By Man Twice Her Size - London

Frankly I don't care what kind of hate this Londoner has for China - he is attacking a girl half his size. What about her human rights?